Neural network architectures of LLMs and Diffusion Models
Talk discussing architectures of generative neural networks: Large Language Models and Diffusion Models.
Slides for a presentation I gave the EuroPython 2023 conference in Prague, Czechia.
Talk discussing architectures of generative neural networks: Large Language Models and Diffusion Models.
Slides for a presentation I gave the EuroPython 2023 conference in Prague, Czechia.
Talk about managing complex data science experiment configurations with Hydra.
Slides for a presentation I gave the EuroPython 2022 conference in Dublin, Ireland.
I recently gave a workshop at the International Summer School on Deep Learning in Gdańsk, Poland. It was a hands-on introduction to neuroevolution, a technique which attempts to find the optimal architecture and hyperparameters for a neural network using genetic algorithms.
Talk discussing state-of-the-art tools and techniques to convert your script into a full open-source project.
Slides for a presentation I gave the EuroPython 2019 conference in Basel, Switzerland.
Did you write a cool and useful Python script? Would you like to share it with the community, but you're not sure how to go about that? If so, then this is the article for you. We'll go over a list of simple steps which can turn your script into a fully fledged open-source project.
Introduction to deep learning and neural network architectures including convolutional and recurrent networks. Slides for a presentation I gave the 4Developers conference in Warsaw, Poland.
Talk about developing powerful workflows in Python code with Apache Airflow.
Slides for a presentation I gave the EuroPython 2017 conference in Rimini, Italy.
Apache Airflow is an open-source tool for orchestrating complex computational workflows and data processing pipelines. If you find yourself running cron task which execute ever longer scripts, or keeping a calendar of big data processing batch jobs then Airflow can probably help you. This article provides an introductory tutorial for people who want to get started writing pipelines with Airflow.
Slides for a presentation I gave the EuroPython 2016 conference in Bilbao.
This article outlines steps needed to create a REST API using Flask and Flask-RESTPlus. These tools combine into a framework, which automates common tasks: