Michał Karzyński

The Zookeeper’s Boy

Are you my lady, are you? Are you my lady, are you?

If I don’t make it back from the city Then it is only because I am drawn away For you see, evidently there’s a dark storm coming And the chain on my swing is squeaking like a mouse

So are you my lady, are you? So are you my lady, are you? The rain, the rain, the rain is falling down The cars remain

You’re tall just like a giraffe You have to climb to find its head But if there’s a glitch You’re an ostrich You’ve got your head in the sand

In a submersible I can hardly breathe As it takes me inside, so the light sings Answer me truthfully, do the clouds kiss you? With meringue-coloured hair, I know they cannot

So are you my lady, are you? So are you my lady, are you? The rain, the rain, the rain is falling down The cars remain

Santa Ana winds bring seasickness Zookeeper hear me out How dare you go? Cold in the rain

Tall just like a giraffe You have to climb to find its head But if there’s a glitch You’re an ostrich You’ve got your head in the sand

Are you my lady, are you? Are you my lady, are you? The rain, the rain, the rain is falling down The cars remain I could not be seen with you Working half the time and looking fine

Mew - The Zookeeper’s Boy .mp3
From the album: And The Glass Handed Kites

Mew - Official Website
Mew - Videos

Sloneczniki Hollywood

Nie wiesz Nic juz nie wiesz Nienawidze patrzec jak plastikowe sloneczniki Z glowy Twojej wielki kwiat A obiady sa z torebek I z torebek kazdy dzien A smakow jest niewiele, kazdy lubi ten sam

Jeden bilet kolorowy Takie ladne oczy masz I niebieskie i czerwone A na zdjeciu piekna twarz Nienawidze gladkiej skory Ty stemplujesz usmiech swoj Moze komus wiecej szczescia, wtedy kiedy szczesie jest

Powietrze wciaz parne i dusi Dowiesz sie, ze nie ma juz prostych spraw A wszystko policzalne jest

Powietrze wciaz przesyla dzwieki Dowiesz sie, ze znowu jesz cudze slowa I genetycznie ciagle zmieniasz sie

Plastikowe Sloneczniki w wykonaniu zespolu Pustki


My Life’s Key Music Albums

Counting Crows – August and Everything After Tool – Aenima Voo Voo – Oov Oov CHRIS CORNELL – euphoria morning Morcheeba – Who Can You Trust Morcheeba – Big Calm KURY – p.o.l.o.v.i.r.u.s Milosc and Lester Bowie – Talking about life and Death


They call music “the soundtrack of your life”, and that is a very true statement. The music you choose surrounds you as often as you wish, filling the canvas of your auditory soundscape. Of course, it is not the only soundtrack of your life, just like music is not the only sound that you hear. Sometimes however it can have a deep and profound effect on your surroundings. When you drive, when you work, when you’re falling asleep or just after you wake up, the most pervasive thing which you hear, can be the music you selected. This music then fills the day’s silences by playing quietly at the back of your mind. Sometimes a really annoying song or jingle will embed itself so strongly in your mind, that you cannot stop thinking about it. If you choose carefully, however, your silences will be filled by the treasured notes of your favorite music.

In a similar way to a soundtrack, there is also a videotrack, which consists of everything that you see during your everyday. These sights can also be influenced by yourself in important ways… The decorations of your apartment, the paintings you hang on the walls, the people you choose to meet, the places you decide to visit, the films you watch all determine the optical content of your life. You may not be able to change the way the city you live in looks, but you can choose to take the longer route to anywhere in order to see its nicer parts… These images will then populate your dreams, memories and imaginations. It might be worth collecting the most beautiful ones.

Each of your senses has a separate “track”, or assemblage of experiences which all sum into the adventure, which you call your life.

Zakład Michała

Jeżeli istnieje Bóg sprawiedliwy, to każdy sprawiedliwy człowiek zostanie zbawiony, niezależnie czy w Niego wierzy, czy nie wierzy i jaką wyznaje religię. Jeżeli Bóg nie jest sprawiedliwy, to żaden człowiek, niezależnie od siły wiary i wyznania nie ma gwarancji zbawienia.

How to win affection and respect

“If you want to win affection and respect in this world, you must flatter people. Flatter high and low, and rich and poor, and silly and wise. You will get on famously. Praise this man’s virtues and that man’s vices. Compliment everybody upon everything, and especially upon what they haven’t got. Admire guys for their beauty, fools for their wit, and boors for their breeding. Your discernment and intelligence will be extolled to the skies.”