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The thoughts of Mary Jane

Who can know the thoughts of Mary Jane?
Why she flies and goes out in the rain
Where she's been and who she's seen
In her journey to the stars

Who can know the reason for her smile?
What are her dreams when they journeyed for a mile?
The way she sings and her brightly coloured rings
Make her the princess of the sky

Who can know what happens in her mind?
Did she come from a strange land, leave her man behind?
Long lost signs and her brightly coloured eyes
Tell her story to the wind

Who can know the thoughts of Mary Jane?
Why she flies and goes out in the rain
Where she's been and who she's seen
In her journey to the stars

-- Nick Drake

Murder, abortion, euthanasia, war and the death-penalty


Okay, let's construct this in a simple fashion. I want to write about death, or rather about giving death("donner la mort") and it's moral context. In most religions "Thou shall not kill" is one of the main moral guidelines. Yet in most cultures some forms of death-dealing are excused or justified. The question is obvious, how can we reconcile these opposing standpoints?


Let's begin with a short list of the forms of death-dealing frequently encountered in our culture. I did this in the title of this entry, naming murder, abortion, euthanasia, war and the death-penalty. This list is not exhaustive of course, but it gives us a clear picture of the number of situations, where the exact same thing (taking a life) is treated differently. Most would agree that murder is inexcusable, but abortion and euthanasia are "controversial", while war is often cheered and executions in some parts of Texas are treated as something of a show.


Conditio humana. One moral criterion, which seems important to the point of obviousness to most of my carnivorous brethren that of the human condition. Humans are considered to be different from other beings, because they have a soul. This allows us to kill and eat animals, without moral concern, because they are soul-less (or at least they do not share our Humanity) and are therefore expendable. But clearly this does not form an absolutely respected law. People lawfully kill other people, so the soul-criterion is not set store by. The death penalty is a clear example of this, but so is war. In our televised wars, it seems that people don't die, they become lost, like soldiers in a computer game. Alas I remind everyone, that in war people die!


Another criterion which is often called upon is the criterion of innocence. People who are "innocent" are never intentionally sentenced to death. They have to be found guilty of horrible crimes, ironically usually of taking a life. But the innocence criterion goes much deeper then what can be decided by courts and laws. The Bible teaches us about the original sin, due to which none of us is innocent. But my favorite theologian Kierkegaard, would argue that point. He wrote that "children are not capable of sin, only of bad temper". According to him, a mind has to go past a certain point of self realization, before it can stand in the presence of God and thus be capable of sin. Only then is an original innocence replaced with original sin. I wrote about this earlier.

If we accept this then we reconcile objections to abortion with consent to war or the death penalty. However in turn, we raise many other extremely difficult questions. When can we decide that a person already lost their innocence? Do we determine it by age?, deeds?, a psychological test? What about mentally-impaired people, who never stop being children?

But let us be crude and accept some estimate of innocence, the birth for instance. Once a person is born it has the potential for loosing innocence, so let's consider it guilty until proven otherwise. This doesn't really solve our problems, only translocates them, because now we have to deal with our carnivorous behaviors. Animals, after all will never be capable of sin and thus will always remain innocent. We cannot kill innocent animals and object to abortion at the same time if we are guided by the innocence-criterion.


So, is there a solution? But of course there is! All we need to do is to combine the two described criteria into a rule-set. We cannot kill innocent beings, which at the same time possess the human condition. What a nice solution. Starting out from "Thou shall not kill", we arrive at a situation in which we can kill anything and anyone we wish, as long as they are born.

Doesn't this violate some basic law of logic? Of course it does and I hope I've made it obvious. If we allow ourselves to set moral laws, and then create exceptions in them, or use them in sets, we and up with a combinatorial ethics, which is no ethics at all! If we can set un-absolute rules, then they are no longer rules, but parts of a relativistic theory, which can take on any form we desire according to our mood or situation. If we are free to combine the above mentioned two criteria, then why not take a third one along with them? There's not reason not to.

When it comes to death dealing, we really shouldn't play moral combination theory. The stakes in such game -- lives (human lives, innocent lives, or just plain lives) are too high. "Thou shall not kill" is a rule, which applies in the same way to murder, abortion, euthanasia, war and the death-penalty. If we choose to accept it, let's be faithful to it. And if we choose at any point to reject it, let's not pretend to be holier-then-thou when talking about abortion or the death-penalty...

Vegetarian food, anyone?


Strategia marketingowa gazety Fakt jest ciosem ponizej pasa! Osobiscie gardze tym pismem, gardze wszystkim co ono soba reprezentuje -- pogonia za sensacja, plotkami, brakiem jakiejkowiek refleksji, chwilowoscia opisywanych zdazen. Jestem pelen pogardy dla jego formy, tresci (tudziez jej braku), formuly itd... A jednak...

A jednak, gdy przechodze obok kiosku i katem oka zobacze na odwrocie brukowca zdjecie pieknej, rozebranej dziewczyny, to przez ulamek sekundy chce miec Fakt. Przez moment chce miec ta gazete, by moc w spokoju przyjzec sie temu cudowi natury jakim jest cialo sfotografowanej kobiety.

Moment mija, ja ide dalej. Przechodze kilkadziesiat metrow, ale refleksja ciagle zatacza kregi w polkulach mozgu... A moze tak naprawde chce miec Fakt, czytac Fakt, wchlaniac Fakt? Moze moje swiete oburzenie jest tylko fasada, moze tak naprawde o niczym innym nie marze, jak otulic sie kojaca, papierowa pustka brukowej gazety?
I wtedy zaczynam gardzic samym soba...

Szmata o nazwie Fakt, wtykana mi codziennie pod nos w drodze do pracy, oraz inne jej podobne Big Brothery dokonuja psychicznego zatrucia calego(!) naszego pokolenia. Zyjemy w ich oparach, chac tego lub nie.

Chcesz 10% wiecej?

Ja [serduszko] Popper

"Staralem sie przetlumaczyc ten Heglowski belkot z Filozofii przyrody tak wiernie, jak mozna; pisze on: 'Dzwiek jest wymiana zachodzaca pomiedzy specyficznym byciem-na-zewnatrz-siebie-na-wzajem maretialnych czesci, a zanegowaniem tegoz -- tylko abstrakcyjna albo, by tak rzec, tylko idealna idealnoscia tego specyficznego momentu. Ale wskutek tego sama ta wymiana jest bezposrednio negacja specyficznego materialnego trwania. Negacja ta jest tym samym realna idealnoscia ciezaru wlasciwego i kohezji -- cieplem. Rozgrzewanie sie dzwieczacych cial, podobnie jak rozgrzewanie sie cial uderzanych i tracych o siebie nawzajem, jest przejawem ciepla wytwarzajacego sie zgodnie z pojeciem oraz dzwiekiem.'

Do dzis nie brak takich, ktorzy wierza w powage Hegla i w dalszym ciagu nie sa pewni, czy tajemnica jego powodzenia nie polega raczej na glebi mysli niz na jej braku. Tym radzilbym uwazne przeczytanie ostatniego zdania -- jedynego zrozumialego -- tego ustepu, poniewaz w tym zdaniu Hegel odslania sie calkowicie. W gruncie rzeczy bowiem znaczy one nie co innego, niz: 'Rozgrzewanie sie dzwieczacych cial... jest przejawem ciepla... wraz z dzwiekiem.'

Powstaje pytanie, czy Hegel oszukiwal sam siebie, zahipnotyzowany wlasnym inspirujaczym zargonem, czy tez bezczelnie chcial oszukac i oczarowac innych."

- Sir Karl Raymund Popper Spoleczenstwo otwarte i jego wrogowie, tom II, str. 36.

The Universal Other

The following is a summary of my current understanding of Kierkegaard's philosophy.

According to Soren Kierkegaard there is no race, creed of culture devoid of prescience of the one true God. He does admit that many people in all cultures are unaware that this knowledge is the knowledge of God, while others repress the realization and thus live in sin. Despite this he believes all adult people have an insight into the Absolute.

I have stumbled upon this idea in other places, reading Ken Wilber, or learning about Buddhism. I have always had a problem understanding the how this "Buddha nature", or what you would call it, can be universal...

The child. Innocent, void of cultural schemata, slowly becoming. In this pre-personal state an infant associates itself with the world. It perceives in only two categories -- that which is good for me, and that which is bad for me. That which hurts and that which is pleasant. Those categories are innate, instinctual, pre-intellectual. They are shared by children and animals, this is the prime oblivious innocence.

As the child dissociates its self from the world, these categories are retained in their absolute form. There is truth and there is falsehood, there is good and there is evil, there is white and there is black. Those categories are infinite to a child, they are subject to no interpretation.

During a rise to adulthood in our age and in our civilization, we are taught to question and finally reject absolutes. "Remember, there is no black and white, only shades of gray". This notion is so important, so seemingly fundamental, that we call others, who embrace absolutes fanatics. But I digress.

The infinite categories offer a growing mind a glimpse of the Absolute, which is super-cultural (or pre-cultural). This Absolute is Kierkegaard's Other -- the unpersonified God, who is common to all people, regardless of cultural origins.

An interesting notion in Kierkegaard is that a one can only be a self in a relationship to an other. This other in childhood is one's parents, in adulthood it is the state, or one's business (science, religion, etc.), but one's true self can only be realized by a relation to the absolute Other.
Unfortunately people often refrain from this Other, and choose to relate to worldly things, thus living in sin (not realizing their true Self).

Why do people do this? Why do people choose to remain in sin, in Samsara? Kierkegaard's answer is interesting, although I'm not sure if I quite grasp it. From what I understand, his logic on this point uses a sort of circular dialectic, a positive feedback mechanism. A person shies away from the absolute because he is awed by it's eternal nature, which causes fear. He then tries to refrain from thinking about this, repressing the notion (as Freud would call it) in a defence mechanism of the unconscious. Any glimpse of the absolute causes an anxiety, which further pushes it away from the conscious mind. And thus the circle closes. We live in sin because we are sinful. We are sinful because we live in sin.

There are many things which I don't understand, but Kierkegaard was a fascinating mind.

Robin Hood

On my way to work today, I chanced to pass by two strangers talking. I heard one sentence of their conversation, but it lead me down a strange road of thoughts...

The sentence was: "Stealing means taking from someone that which they have a right to have".
How interesting... a subjective definition of the crime of theft. By comparison an objective definition would have to be: "Stealing means taking that, which you do not have a right to have."

The principle difference between the definitions, other then the fact that one is voiced in the positive, the other in negative terms, is the point of reference. The subjective definition refers to the subject -- the person who is being robbed, while the objective definition refers to the object being stolen.

Come to think of it, our laws are based on the subjective definitions of crimes, aren't they? There must always be a victim for a crime to have been committed. If I am to lie it is not a crime, unless I deceive someone. Murder is not a crime, if I'm only killing time. And stealing is also not a crime until I steal from someone in particular.

It is for that reason that we have special bodies appointed, (usually by the state, but not necessarily), which take care of interests of non-humans. The forest authority, will be the victim of your theft if you steal trees, the RIAA (or ZAIKS in Poland) will be the victim if you download an mp3 file from the net. Notice, that the artist who composed the song, may be long dead...

This subjective nature of our laws leads to (or perhaps is the consequence of) the subjective nature of out moral values. We do not steal because it is wrong. We refrain from stealing if it may hurt someone, usually if we believe the victim may retaliate by legal action or otherwise. If we believe that "no harm is being done", we don't think our actions to be wrong. Hence the idea of "victim-less crime" and it's harmless nature.

Moral questioning is the nature of our postmodern world, but it goes much further back in time. Perhaps to the ideas of the Enlightment period...

Lack of absolute values, subjective morality, ethics and laws not referenced to objective definitions of crimes... all this leaves me with one question: Pray tell, what came first subjective laws or a demise in the absolute nature of moral values?


A. -- Byla nawet taka sytuacja, ze las pozwal firme.
B. -- Slyszales C., Las jakis pozwal firme.
A. -- Tak, za to, ze go sciela.
B. -- Ale to juz nie byl wtedy las...
C. -- Tak, raczej sklejka.
B. -- A., chesz mi powiedziec, ze sklejka pozwala wlasna firme do sadu? Ach, ta Ameryka to piekny kraj...


Rozwijając tę gorzką myśl, Karl Popper napisał kiedyś, że (cytuję z pamięci) niewiedza nie jest prostym i biernym brakiem wiedzy, ale jest postawą aktywną, jest odmową przyjęcia wiedzy, niechęcią do wejścia w jej posiadanie, jest jej odrzuceniem. (Słowem: niewiedza jest raczej antywiedzą).
(Władysław Kapuściński -- "Imperium")

Living in the 21st century

Living in the 21st century is fun. This is the century in which it will not be possible to be lonely anymore. There are people all around you. Everywhere you go you have your phone, you have messages; at home you have your mail, you have your e-mail; if you're even more perverse you have your TV, your radio, your net...

Even if you were standing in the middle of a forest, you could reach your close ones with a few button strokes. But somehow, all this contact does not add up to anything concrete... Being lonely in the 21st century will be a sign of hipocricy, it will require a lot of trying, and yet...

On an evening like this one, the perfect autumn evening, with a sea of mist washing over the fields and forests, under a full, silver face of the moon I walk. If I pressed a few buttons I could talk with my close ones, but they wouldn't be there. There is no way for me to digitilize this perfect evening. There is no camera, no scanner, no nothing which could translate all the beauty of a simple night-fall.

Considering, that we spend so much time in front of our computers, TVs, etc., and so little time, watching the beauty of the world, I strongly belive we're missing something important.

I wonder how we'll procreate, if we won't even meet to have sex...

Endlesly musing,
Yours Truly

Artysta glodny jest glodniejszy

Kocham XXI wiek, jakiez to wyzwanie... czy dorownamy XX-temu?

XXI-wieczna, egzystencjalna walka z wiatrakami. Nieosiagalny cel szczecia i spokoju zastepowany protetyczna hybryda 'dobrobytu' i latwo osiagalnej satysfakcji. Zamiast mety otrzymujemy pogon za polsrodkami. Wszystko zapakowane na 'wynos sie' w blyszczacy plastik telewizyjnej reklamy.

Zinstytucjonalizowana, zlaicyzowana religijnosc pcha niezliczone masy co niedziele na zakupy. Bog pieniadz, nienazwany, niewyslowiony, jest prawdziwie tym, ktory jest. Elektryczne swiatlo mowi Ci co mozesz robic! Religia-Lotto, Religia-Sklep i Hiper-Religia Super-Market. Najwyzszym wyznaniem wiary sa zakupy!

Dla mnie symbole kultury masowej wybrzmiewaja pelnym swoim znaczeniem. Znacza one dla mnie nic. Bez telewizji, radia, gazet, zyje poza swiatem, poza czasem, a na pewno poza nasza epoka. Zyje obok. Nie mam wiele, a chce miec mniej. Nie jem wiele, a chce jesc mniej. Polowe kolacji oddam bezdomnemu, wiedzac ze nie czyni mnie to lepszym.

Na szczecie, gdy wreszcie ustanie tetent mysli, powoli staje sie niczym...

Nie mysl, badz.