DevOps tools for everyone - Vagrant, Puppet and Webmin
Slides for a presentation I gave last week at DevCon in Warsaw.
Slides for a presentation I gave last week at DevCon in Warsaw.
Celery is a powerful, production-ready asynchronous job queue, which allows you to run time-consuming Python functions in the background. A Celery powered application can respond to user requests quickly, while long-running tasks are passed onto the queue. In this article we will demonstrate how to add Celery to a Django application using Redis.
Jenkins is an easy-to-use open-source continuous integration server. In this post we'll go through steps needed to set up Jenkins to deploy your Django application and run unit tests whenever someone commits code to your project's repository. If the new code causes any of your tests to fail, Jenkins will send the commiter an email alert.
I recently wrote a book about administering Linux servers with the aid of the friendly and versatile utility called Webmin. The book covers a wide variety of topics, from setting up and securing a new server to running and monitoring databases (MySQL, Postgres), a web server (Apache) and a mail server (Postfix).
The book is written as a series of 120 step-by-step recipes, which should be easily accessible to both novice and professional system administrators. Check it out to see how Webmin can make your life easier. The book is currently available from Packt Publishing.
Performance testing web applications is a little tricky when we want to test features accessible only to logged in users. Automated test recorders intercept session cookies and hardcode them into test scenarios. When we run these tests later, different session IDs are generated and recorded cookie values don't grant access anymore. This text demonstrates how to write a scenario for The Grinder to test a Django application. Tests include user login, submitting CSRF-protected forms and AJAX requests.